Coffee facts

coffee cup and money on the table

Why Is Coffee So Expensive?

Have you ever felt like you are paying more for your morning coffee with every passing year? It’s not just you — most people have noticed that coffee is getting really expensive. It seems coffee prices are on an endless upward trajectory, whether you brew coffee at home or enjoy specialty coffee drinks from cafes. Although coffee is a popular everyday beverage, it may as well be a rare luxury good if you look at the costs. But why is […]

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woman looking at coffee cup

Why Is Oat Milk Curdling In Coffee & How to Prevent It

Oat milk is one of the best dairy milk alternatives for coffee. Oat milk taste and consistency are close to cow’s milk, and you can even froth it. But sometimes, you may notice your oat milk curdles as you add it to your hot coffee. Why does that happen? And can you still drink the brew? Read on and find out what causes oat milk curdling in coffee — and how you can stop it. Why is oat milk curdling

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Roasting coffee beans in an air fryer

Can You Roast Coffee Beans In an Air Fryer?

Air fryers are becoming an increasingly common sight in kitchens. If you are looking for a device to roast coffee at home, an air fryer might be your solution. Perhaps you received green coffee beans or want to take your coffee game to another level by roasting coffee yourself. Read on to learn how to roast coffee beans in an air fryer! Why roast coffee beans at home? But why should you roast coffee beans at home with an air fryer

Can You Roast Coffee Beans In an Air Fryer? Read More »

Breve vs Latte

Breve vs. Latte: What Is the Difference?

You are at a coffee shop, ready to order your favorite latte, when you notice a strange name on the menu — a breve latte. Do you dare set sail into unknown waters (or coffees)? Caffè breve and caffè latte are members of the same family of milky coffee drinks. But just like any siblings or relatives, they are not identical. Despite their shared heritage, each espresso-based drink is fundamentally different. Read on to explore the differences between breve vs.

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barista pouring latte art

Is a Latte Hot Or Cold: What Is the Perfect Temperature?

You enter your favorite coffee shop and ask the barista for a delicious latte. But then, they throw a question back at you: “Would you like it hot or cold?” This might take you by surprise, especially if you’re a fledgling coffee lover. And then things get even more confusing when you hear about iced lattes. So which is it — is a latte hot or cold? Read on and learn about the ideal serving temperature for a latte. You’ll

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woman trying to determine aftertaste of coffee

Aftertaste Of Coffee: What It Is And How to Describe It

Have you heard baristas and coffee enthusiasts talking about the aftertaste of coffee? You might also have noticed the tasting notes described on specialty coffee bags. Would you like to get in on the tasting fun yourself but are unsure how? Analyzing coffee flavor isn’t as hard as you might think. Read on to find out what coffee aftertaste is and how you can describe it. With a bit of practice, you’ll be tasting coffee like a seasoned barista! What

Aftertaste Of Coffee: What It Is And How to Describe It Read More »

Gibraltar vs Cortado

Gibraltar vs. Cortado: What Is the Difference?

Let me guess: you are currently glaring at a coffee shop menu and wondering, “What in the world is a Gibraltar?” A barista may have said it is a coffee drink similar to a cortado. However, it’s still probably hard to picture what they were referring to. After all, the names sound insanely different! So, let’s find out if there is any difference between Gibraltar vs. cortado. What is Gibraltar coffee? A Gibraltar is an espresso-based beverage with a double

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are coffee beans legumes

Are Coffee Beans Legumes?

Once you start getting passionate about coffee, you may wonder what a coffee bean really is. Or maybe you are on a diet that tells you to restrict legumes for health reasons. So, are your beloved coffee beans legumes? The short answer is no. They are not even beans! However, the long answer will leave you much more informed about where your coffee comes from. How does coffee grow? It shouldn’t be surprising that coffee is one of the largest

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Cortado vs latte comparison

Cortado vs. Latte: Are They the Same?

Have you ever wondered what that “cortado” you see on coffee shop menus is? Well, it’s a coffee drink made from espresso and steamed milk. But isn’t that just a latte, you ask? That’s a great question! And there’s no shame in asking it — the cortado isn’t a well-known drink. Read on and learn all about the subtle differences between cortado and latte! What is a cortado? The cortado is a relatively obscure espresso drink from Spain. Its name

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do coffee grounds go bad

Do Coffee Grounds Go Bad? Tips to Enjoy Fresh Coffee Every Day

Perhaps you’re trying to get ready for your day, but you don’t have any coffee in the house — except for an old, old bag of coffee grounds in the back of your pantry. You wouldn’t want to make yourself sick, but you really want that cup of coffee. Do coffee grounds go bad? Shall you take a risk and go for it anyway? How long does coffee stay fresh? You might be wondering, “Does coffee expire?” The first thing

Do Coffee Grounds Go Bad? Tips to Enjoy Fresh Coffee Every Day Read More »