Coffee facts

used chemex filter

Are Chemex Filters Compostable?

Perhaps you’ve just enjoyed a delicious Chemex coffee cup and are now wondering the best way to dispose of the paper filter. Are Chemex filters compostable? Or is there any other way to reuse the thick paper filter? Can you reuse Chemex filters? The Chemex white and brown filters are uniquely designed with North American laboratory-grade bonded paper almost 30% thicker than Hario V60 or other pour-over or drip coffee filters. Unfortunately, they are also more expensive, so you might […]

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coffee pairings with food

Coffee Pairings With Food: 38 Combinations You Should Try

Coffee pairings with food can sound intimidating if you aren’t used to analyzing the flavors in your mouth. However, if you are into pairing wine and food, you might have given a little bit of thought to how flavors combine and complement each other. When it comes to flavors and aromas, coffee and wine are more similar than you may think. In fact, in terms of chemical compounds, these are the two most complex drinks out there. Just like wine,

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