
why does my coffee taste watery

Why Does My Coffee Taste Watery, And How to Fix It?

A cup of coffee is the solution to all the problems. So whether it’s early in the morning and you’re running late for work, you are hungover, or you want something delicious to reward yourself with, a hot cup of joe is always a good idea. This is why no one, I repeat, no one, deserves a cup of watery coffee. It’s a kick in the stomach to spend time and money preparing coffee for you to be left with […]

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how to make a latte without an espresso machine

How to Make a Latte Without an Espresso Machine

Making lattes at home does not require you to buy countless pieces of expensive equipment, like an espresso maker or a special milk frother. You can prepare a delicious homemade latte that will save you a few bucks and taste worlds better than plain, regular coffee. The best part is that preparing a latte is not difficult either. All you will need is cold milk and some strong-brewed coffee. That’s right, no fancy gadgets are required! So, read on to

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can you heat up cold brew coffee

Can You Heat Up Cold Brew Coffee?

Cold brew coffee has quickly become one of the most popular brewing methods in recent years, primarily due to the rise in the popularity of iced coffee drinks. It’s now sold in mainstream shops, and many people have started to drink it at home instead of Americanos. But can you heat up cold brew coffee? Hot cold brew coffee certainly sounds odd! But, you can heat cold brew coffee in several ways. Heated cold brew coffee adds a new dimension

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how to clean chemex

How to Clean Chemex

Chemex coffee maker is a beautiful glass vessel that allows you to prepare a delightful cup of pour-over coffee from the comfort of your own home. However, its unusual shape can make a Chemex very tricky to clean. If you are struggling to clean your Chemex or are anxious to buy one because you are afraid it is tricky to maintain, don’t fear! Here I’ll explain how to clean Chemex and get rid of those annoying stains and coffee residue.

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